
  • Trisha Danela Tijing posted an update 1 year, 2 months ago

    3. Primary health care

    • The video emphasizes the importance of primary health care as a comprehensive and all-inclusive approach to healthcare that ensures people and communities have access to high-quality health care. It defined primary health care, as well as its necessity and advantages. It also emphasizes the need of overcoming implementation obstacles in order to ensure that all individuals receive critical health services and their health requirements are met.

      I have learned that a lack of Primary Health Care (PHC) can have a lot of negative consequences. And one of the potential consequences is unequal access to healthcare services, in which certain groups are denied basic health services, resulting in disparities in health outcomes. Furthermore, health disparities may worsen if marginalized populations may not obtain the same level of health care as others, resulting in a wider divide in health outcomes. Preventive and early intervention therapies may be unavailable, resulting in more serious and expensive health consequences in the future. This might have a serious impact on the health and well-being of individuals and communities, as well as place financial strain on the healthcare system.The major role of primary health care is to provide patients with ongoing and comprehensive care.

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