
  • Yvonne Abao posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago

    Rhoge Yvonne F. Abao
    BSMT – I
    MT14 [LEC] – CC

    Health systems generally include all activities whose main objective or primary intent is to promote or restore or maintain the good health of individuals and the population, including addressing the health needs of those with disabilities. Essentially, it is a system in which all health services are provided. This includes facilities and supplies available, how they are financed in the workforce, and so on. A good health system would ensure high-quality healthcare for all individuals. These health systems work differently in different countries. In the Philippines, our health system also differs from other countries.

    The Philippine health system has rapidly evolved with many challenges through time. Health human resources face challenges such as underemployment, scarcity, and unequal distribution. The attached video thoroughly explains why there is a need to care and think about the politics of it all–the laws, the lawmakers, and the other individuals involved in all aspects of the Philippine healthcare system in order to improve the quality of patient care all over the country. In the video, they express how it is important to choose the right candidates so that the decisions that are being made are well-informed in order to bring about a positive change in the system. The issue of hazard pay was also a very well-made point. Additionally, while the quality of healthcare in the Philippines is considerably high, such cannot be said the same for those institutions in rural areas. There is quite a difference between the quality of healthcare in rural and urban areas. Private facilities usually have better equipment than public ones which is something that should be changed in order to have equal healthcare for all.

    Primary health care enables healthcare systems to meet a person’s health needs, including health promotion, disease prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, palliative care, and other services. This strategy also ensures that health care is provided in a way that is focused on the needs of the people and respects their preferences. It is critical for strengthening the systems’ resilience to prepare for, respond to, and recover from shocks and crises. Simply, primary healthcare enables as well as ensures individuals receive quality care to support their health needs. Primary healthcare is not just about simply treating an individual of their illness but rather actually caring about the person. In the video, they mention that good primary healthcare is composed of three (3) parts namely empowered people and communities who can take care of and advocate for their health; ensuring multisectoral policy and action to systematically address social, economic, environmental, and commercial determinants of health; and primary care and essential public health functions as the core of integrated health services. I thoroughly agree that showing empathy and care for the person being treated would be beneficial for both parties–those being the medical professional and the citizen or patient. Empowering the citizens is equally important as providing a healthy environment for them. Primary healthcare caters to and cares for all.

    Click to access chapter-one.pdf

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