

1. Health Systems- A health system is used to deliver all medical services. The availability of a strong healthcare system will ensure that everyone may access high-quality medical care without experiencing financial hardships, regardless of their ability to pay for it. A health system is made up of all the tools, resources, and procedures that work together to address a population’s health needs. It’s important to note that this doesn’t just mean providing access to care for those who are ill; it also means putting in place all the measures necessary to keep people healthy in the first place.

2. Philippine Health System- Although the Philippines’ public healthcare system is generally of the highest caliber, there are notable disparities between rural and urban locations. In the Philippines, private healthcare is more dependable, and private clinics often have better facilities than public ones. Every Filipino should obtain access to cheap, high-quality healthcare, according to the Philippine Health System’s regulations. This entails providing sufficient funding, facilities, and human resources for the health sector. In addition, despite the nation’s issues, the Philippines’ healthcare system is rapidly improving. This is a result of government measures that are bringing the country’s systems closer together. Therefore, PhilHealth provides free medical care to all citizens of the Philippines. Following the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, PhilHealth expanded its coverage to cover consultations and laboratory tests.

3. Primary Healthcare- Provides for the bulk of people’s health requirements throughout their lives as it brings a kid into the world; giving us and our communities access to services like immunizations that protect us against infectious diseases. We receive help from primary healthcare throughout our childhood, youth, and maturity. Additionally, primary health care also manages a variety of conditions through routine follow-up care, medication, and additional prevention, including chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and asthma. As a result, it takes care of the majority of our health needs throughout our lives and even stays with us as we age, extending our years of life.

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