IOS (Closed source software) VS Android (Open source software)

MT14-CC’s Docs IOS (Closed source software) VS Android (Open source software)

Looking at the two, I’d say Android is a better option because it offers flexibility — allowing users to freely modify the system; it’s more transparent; and it has wider developer support as more users use it because it’s more cost-effective (Mcdonald, 2011). However, I don’t think I’ll get to use the advantages it offers because I’m not good at handling computers and the technicals associated with it. It takes a lot of time to learn about it and I don’t think I have the time to invest in learning those things. It’s indeed advantageous but I’ll have to choose the IOS system over it because it’s simpler and user-friendly. And I think it’s more secure than the android system because outside manipulation of the system is ineffective and the developers have a standard to follow in addressing system security vulnerabilities. However, I still think Android is better but I’ll have to choose IOS because I don’t have the technical expertise to fully utilize the mechanics of Android.

McDonald, T. (2011, April 8). Comparison between open source and closed source software. NSI. Retrieved from

Tags: android, ios

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