Laboratory Information System – Assignment

MT14-CC’s Docs Laboratory Information System - Assignment

What is LIS?

LIS is also known as Laboratory Information System. It is a programmed software that processes, stores, ang manages the data of the patient (DelVecchio, 2015).  With that, it makes the laboratory more efficient and effective, especially when they are dealing with large amount of samples for research and development, manufacturing, and medical research.

What are the uses of LIS?

LIS or Laboratory Information System have various uses in a laboratory setting. It can help in tracking samples since it stores and manages the data of the patient. Also, it can provide a reports for patients, billing, and inventory for the laboratory’s utilization of reagents and other products. Apart from that, LIS is used for research and analysis which is a big help for the health industry (Laboratory Information System (LIS): Definition & Functions).

What is the implication of AI as a medical technologist or in any job?

Implications of the use of AI or Artificial Intelligence as a medical technologist or in any job is make our works much easier and faster. In the medical field, it helps process medical data and provide insights to help improve health outcomes by giving treatments and medications. Apart from that it helps in diagnosing patients and produces more accurate data results.


DelVecchio, A. (2015). What is laboratory information system?: Definition from TechTarget. Health IT. Retrieved from

Laboratory Information System (LIS): Definition & Functions. (2022). Retrieved from

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