Gleizyl A. Lumingkit


    Silliman University’s motto, “Via, Veritas, Vita,” strikes a chord that resonates deeply with its students and the broader community. This three-word phrase encapsulates the essence of what education should be and, more importantly, what life should aspire to become.

    “Via” reminds us that education is a journey,…[Read more]

  • Whole person education, from my perspective, encapsulates a holistic approach to learning and personal development that extends beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge and skills. It acknowledges the significance of emotional intelligence in building healthy relationships and empathy towards diverse perspectives. Physical well-being is also a…[Read more]

  • Thoughts about Whole Person Education
    The goal of whole person education is to help students develop emotionally, socially, and morally as well as academically. It acknowledges the value of fostering a person’s character, abilities, and overall wellbeing. This strategy strives to produce well-rounded people who are better able to deal with…[Read more]

  • Whole person education is an approach to learning that focuses on developing not just academic knowledge, but also a person’s emotional, social, physical, and spiritual well-being. It emphasizes a holistic view of education, considering the individual as a complete entity with diverse needs and capabilities. This approach aims to nurture…[Read more]

  • Whole Person Education is a holistical approach of education that prepares students to excel academically while also contributing positively to society.

  • Hi Guys! I’m Yani from GE 10 DD.

    For me, whole person education is an approach that focuses on nurturing all aspects of an individual, including their intellectual, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual well-being.

  • Whole person education is an approach that seeks to nurture and develop all aspects of an individual’s being – intellectual, emotional, physical, and social. It goes beyond traditional academic instruction, aiming to foster not only cognitive growth but also emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, character development, and overall w…[Read more]

  • Whole person education is an approach to education that focuses on developing all aspects of an individual’s being—intellectual, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual—rather than just emphasizing academic or cognitive skills. It aims to cultivate well-rounded individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also emotionally intelligent, soc…[Read more]

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