
MT14-CC’s Docs Activity

  • What are LIS  and its uses?

LIS is an abbreviation for  Laboratory Information System which plays a vital role in the clinical laboratory setting. It is a designed software for healthcare needs and purposes that primarily stores, and manages data, as well as processes laboratory tests & procedures. With this function, Laboratory Information System provides records, updates, storage, and manages the clinical results of patients which are beneficial to any allied health care section. 

Somehow, Laboratory Information System coordinates with the organizational timeframe and workflow of employees as well as the provision of quality control testing. It has the utility of transmitting information with the highest confidentiality, tracking orders, system, storage for future purposes, hastening work procedures, as well as receiving test orders. These cover all sections of the laboratory namely hematology, chemistry, immunology, and microbiology as well as other areas of the laboratory. (What Is LIS Software and How Does It Work?, n.d.)

  • What is AI (chatgpt or more) ?

Accordingly, AI means Artificial Intelligence that caters to any question or challenge formulated. It is a development of computer systems that do tasks that are supposedly done by humans. It includes searching for an answer in your search bar that cannot be seen, speech recognition, vision, language, as well as making decisions. 

Moreover, AI is a programmed system similar to the thinking of a true human being. It allows certain interactions between its receiver and sender in communication. It may even aid some individuals in doing their household chores, instructional methodological guidance, provision of new ideas, automated tasks, problem-solving, and financial literacy.

  •  What is their implication on your job? 

As one of the future contributors of the Laboratory Information System, it would create a safe space and efficient working tasks and environment among our people as it basically introduced shortcuts, systematic, and automatic ways of labeling, testing, etc. This is in compliance with the severity of strict adherence to avoid any circumstances that would cause mislabeling. 

Thus, It is extremely important to gain knowledge and skills in relation to laboratory system information. 

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