Information System

MT14-CC’s Docs Information System Information system is an integrated phase of storage, collection, distribution as well as analyzing processes in the network.

It could be in a form of data warehouses wherein it aids the insight of the business through management in a large variety.  It could also be an enterprise system, which utilized the hardware & software for a more wider usage of functions in the company. Somehow, it could also be an expert system wherein the usage of artificial intelligence is highly utilized in a way that they are responsible of altering the sources of knowledge & skills by a known human expert in the field. Perhaps, Office automation system is also added to the list that is using technology to work efficiently. More importantly, the geographic information system may analyze, organize as well as convene visualization of the worldwide map.

Thus, information system is the collection of information to be stored, analyzed, visualized as well as utilized for a certain cause in a company, business, healthcare, might as well personal growth.

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