Laboratory Information System (LIS)

Laboratory Information System (LIS)

A laboratory information system (LIS) is software used to manage laboratory procedures, data, and outcomes. Its goal is to increase the efficiency and precision of laboratory activities such as sample tracking, test ordering, and result reporting. A LIS can also enhance patient care by providing doctors with fast and reliable laboratory test data. There is numerous available Laboratory Information Systems (LIS) present for laboratories to choose from. In the Philippines, we have MedTech’s MEDITECH LIS and Sunquest Information Systems’ LIS. In addition, some LIS sellers are Cerner Corporation, Orchard Software, and Siemens Healthineers. In terms of cost, it may vary depending on what the LIS can offer, which can be affected by factors like the LIS’s complexity, features, and functionality. Also, its costs may vary because of its seller and licensing model. I believe that investing in healthcare is well-spent as it benefits the country as a whole, and healthcare is a significant part of the country’s well-being.

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