Almarie Joy B. Florida

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Assignment in Material Management
May 14, 2023 May 14, 2023
Laboratory Information System – Assignment

What is LIS? LIS is also known as Laboratory Information System. It is a programmed software that processes, stores, ang manages the data of the patient (DelVecchio, 2015).  With that, it makes the laboratory more efficient and effective, especially when they are dealing with large amount of samples for research and development, manufacturing, and medical research. What are the uses of LIS? LIS or Laboratory Information System have various uses in a laboratory setting. It can help in tracking samples since it stores and manages the data of the patient. Also, it… Read More

February 22, 2023 February 22, 2023
What is an Information System?

Information System is an integration of hardware, software, and telecommunication network (Jaiswal, 2022). With the use of some mentioned components, information system can be used to collect, store, and process data in order to provide information (Zwass, 2022). For instance, information system is essential for managing data and operating projects, especially on large businesses that needs to interact with their costumers. In addition, information system also helps the part of the most influential companies such as Google, Amazon, and etc. as they build workflow for the respective companies. Accordingly, this is beneficial… Read More

February 1, 2023 February 1, 2023

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