Eric Jun Cabrera

  • Kate Gimarangan posted an update in the group Group logo of MT30 - CC (LEC)MT30 – CC (LEC) 6 days, 6 hours ago

    MT30 – CC LEC
    Urinary System

    The urinary system is composed of kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, which filter the blood and remove waste. The kidney is a bean-shaped structure containing nephrons that separate waste products and water from essential nutrients in the blood. The excess fluid, which serves as urine, is…[Read more]

  • Kate Gimarangan posted an update in the group Group logo of MT30 - CC (LEC)MT30 – CC (LEC) 6 days, 7 hours ago

    MT30 – CC LEC
    Circulatory System

    The circulatory system is composed of a heart and blood vessels that keep us alive. To start with, the innermost layer of the circulatory system lies your endothelium, which is a single layer of flat cells that forms a smooth lining to minimize friction. Depending on the body’s needs, a layer…[Read more]

  • Kate Gimarangan posted an update in the group Group logo of MT30 - CC (LEC)MT30 – CC (LEC) 6 days, 9 hours ago

    Kate M. Gimarangan
    MT30 – CC (lec)

    The nephron is the functional unit of the kidney. It filters waste and excess water from the blood, mainly for filtration and reabsorption.

    Initially, filtration occurs within the glomerulus, wherein blood pressure forces plasma through a delicate membrane, leaving cells and large molecules behind.…[Read more]

  • Maryjoy Boncales posted an update in the group Group logo of MT30 - CC (LEC)MT30 – CC (LEC) 1 week, 2 days ago

    As a visual learner, this video is a really great help in studying or learning about nephrons. Engaging in visuals and animations allows me to better undetand remember how nephrons function in the kidneys. Each nephron consists of a glomerulus, which filters blood, and a tubule where reabsorption and secretion occur to form urine.

    Have a look at…[Read more]

  • Alferez, Arabellah
    MT 30 – CC

    Excretory System and Nephron
    The excretory system, while not as well-known as systems like the circulatory or nervous systems, plays a vital role in maintaining balance within the body by regulating osmotic balance and removing metabolic wastes. It includes important organs such as the skin, liver, lungs, and most…[Read more]

  • The Nephron

    The kidneys’ job is to filter blood, eliminating substances that the body doesn’t require. Excess water, salt, and urea are drawn out of the circulation and sent to the bladder, where they may be eliminated from the body as urine. As this is happening, the “clean” blood leaves the kidney and returns to the bloodstream.

    The…[Read more]

  • Chyra Pioquinto posted an update in the group Group logo of MT30 - CC (LEC)MT30 – CC (LEC) 2 weeks ago

    Circulatory System 🫀🩸

    The circulatory system also referred to as the cardiovascular system, is responsible for distributing oxygen, nutrients, and waste products among other things. It consists of the heart, blood vessels, and, of course, the blood. The blood vessels that transport oxygenated blood are known as arteries, while those that…[Read more]

  • Chyra Pioquinto posted an update in the group Group logo of MT30 - CC (LEC)MT30 – CC (LEC) 2 weeks ago

    Nervous System 🧠👤
    The nervous system is one of the most complex systems in the body and its role is to control and coordinate all the functions and activities of an organism. It is mainly classified into two major categories which are the CNS and the PNS. The CNS encompasses both the brain as well as the spinal column. It is the one that is most…[Read more]

  • Urinary System
    The primary job of the urinary system is to filter blood, producing urine as a waste product in the process. The renal pelvis, bladder, urethra, ureters, and kidneys are the organs that make up the urinary system. The body uses the nutrients it receives from food to produce energy. This system cleans your blood, eliminating waste…[Read more]

  • 🧠 Nervous System 🤓
    Our nervous system is involved in every action you take. The brain, spinal cord, and nerves are the three primary components of the nervous system. We can move, think, and feel better with it. It even controls bodily functions we don’t give much thought to, like digestion. Both the peripheral and central nerve systems are…[Read more]

  • Circulatory System 🫶🏿🫀
    Your body’s circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system or vascular system, transports hormones, nutrients, and oxygen to the cells in your body for use in development, repair, and energy production. Carbon dioxide and other waste materials that your cells do not require are also eliminated by your…[Read more]

  • How blood flows inside the kidney

    The urinary system serves as the body’s filtration system. It removes toxins and wastes from the body through the urine excreted. It filters blood to eliminate extra water, salt, toxins, and other waste products. The main organs in this system include two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder, and a urethra.
    A n…[Read more]

  • Lyka May Pilas posted an update in the group Group logo of MT30 - CC (LEC)MT30 – CC (LEC) 2 weeks, 3 days ago

    Lyka May D. Pilas
    MT 30 -CC

    Circulatory System
    Also known as the cardiovascular system, is responsible for circulating blood and transporting nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hormones to and from the cells in the body. It consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood.

    The heart pumps blood through the blood vessels to deliver essential…[Read more]

  • Lyka May Pilas posted an update in the group Group logo of MT30 - CC (LEC)MT30 – CC (LEC) 2 weeks, 3 days ago

    Lyka May D. Pilas
    MT 30 – CC

    Nervous System
    The Nervous system is a complex network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body. It is responsible for coordinating and controlling bodily functions.

  • Lyka May Pilas posted an update in the group Group logo of MT30 - CC (LEC)MT30 – CC (LEC) 2 weeks, 3 days ago

    Lyka May D. Pilas
    MT 30 – CC

    Why is Histology important?

    Histology is important in the study of medical technology as it involves microscopic analysis of tissues and cells in the human body. Through examining the structure and function of tissues and cells, histology provides insights into the diagnosis, treatment, and management of various d…[Read more]

  • Lyka May Pilas posted an update in the group Group logo of MT30 - CC (LEC)MT30 – CC (LEC) 2 weeks, 3 days ago

    Lyka May Pilas
    BSMT – II
    MT 30 – CC

    What is Histology Art?
    Histology Art is a unique art form involving microscopic images of biological tissues to create stunning and intricate patterns. This type of art is created by taking thin slices of tissue, staining them with different stains, and then examining them under a microscope to reveal their…[Read more]

  • What I know about the Nervous System
    The nervous system is primarily composed of the brain, nerves, and other supporting tissues. This system is responsible for coordinating communication within our body. Whenever we feel something from the environment or within ourselves, the information is transmitted through our nerves till it reaches the brain…[Read more]

  • What I know about the Circulatory Sytem
    The circulatory system is include the heart, blood vessels, and lungs. These organs are responsible for circulating blood throughout the body so that all are organs are given oxygen and other nutrients. Wastes and other byproducts are transported as well.

    [Read more]

  • Why is Histology important?
    As I’ve learned in biochemistry, the shape or structure of a biomolecule dictates its function. The same principle applies to tissues. The morphology of the cell that constitutes a tissue tells us a lot about what that tissue can do. For example, the cells present in our respiratory tract are coated with cilia that a…[Read more]

  • The circulatory system refers to the circulation of blood throughout the entire body. It is composed of the heart, blood vessels, and the blood that they transport. The heart pumps blood to all parts of the body delivering the necessary gases and nutrients.

    The blood vessels have two kinds: the arteries and veins. The arteries transport…[Read more]

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