Gian Deihl Oril

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Best Laboratory information systems that laboratories nowadays use

For this assignment, I checked a review site for the best LIS present today that has a more active community than other review sites. And I found out that there’s a wide range of options and that the choice of LIS depends on its suitability in the type of laboratory it’s to be installed. The review site I checked is great because it contains a lot of information and reviews about the different LISs that is available today. And one of the leading LIS in the reviews that I found interesting is… Read More

Gian Deihl Oril February 28, 2023 February 28, 2023
IOS (Closed source software) VS Android (Open source software)

Looking at the two, I’d say Android is a better option because it offers flexibility — allowing users to freely modify the system; it’s more transparent; and it has wider developer support as more users use it because it’s more cost-effective (Mcdonald, 2011). However, I don’t think I’ll get to use the advantages it offers because I’m not good at handling computers and the technicals associated with it. It takes a lot of time to learn about it and I don’t think I have the time to invest in learning those things…. Read More

Gian Deihl Oril February 28, 2023 February 28, 2023 android, ios
What is an Information System?

What is an information system? To understand what an information system is, let’s first define what a system means. A system is a structure or arrangement of different elements to produce a function or purpose. It’s a collection of different components — combined as a single whole — to organize flows and processes. So incorporating this definition, an information system would be in a broader sense a system used to manage (collect, store, and control) data or information. A more specific definition is that it’s a combination of hardware, software, and telecommunication… Read More

Gian Deihl Oril February 1, 2023 February 1, 2023

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